Saturday, August 23, 2008

Georgia is not Backyard of Russia

Situation still is quite tensed in Georgia as shoot of one bullet is possible to become a reason of resumption of hostility. Russia created buffer zones outside South Ossetia and Abkhazia and placed their checkpoints in strategic Poti port on the Black Sea in order to control cargo movement in whole territory. Such deployment of troops does not have explanation as Poti situates about 40 km away from administration border of Abkhazia.
Moscow intends to extend peacekeeping mission and to deploy troops in vague buffer zones, but these was not mentioned in the truce which was signed by Medvedev and Saakashvili. By the way it has to be noted that Russia cannot conduct anymore a peacekeeping mission in Georgia for two reasons. First, Russia was recognized as the side of the Patriotic War. Second, after adopting the martial law by the Georgian Parliament, every Russian unit inside internationally recognized border of Georgia got status of an occupation army.
After the collapse of Soviet Union Georgia became the sovereign state but in spite of it Moscow frequently states that former soviet republics remain part of Russia’s sphere of influence and that Russia will not allow the West to find a foothold in her backyard. Georgia is a pro-western country and it’s the decision of the Georgian people and nobody has right in Moscow to perceive the sovereign state as a “backyard” of Russia and not to respect opinion of the Georgian people.
End of the Cold War buried iron curtain in Europe and “zones of influence” were released from the Evil Empire. The Central and East European countries have determined their future, now it’s a turn of Georgia by support of democratic world to protect selected direction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very fine......

Solidarity is the Caress of Nations